TITLE Destroyer Part lV DEDICATION The Fans In Detroit Rock City STORY Brian Holguin LETTERS Dave Lanphear, Richard Starkings COVER Angel Medina, Kevin Conrad COLORS Andy Troy, Brian Haberlin, Dan Kemp INKS Kevin Conrad PENCILS Angel Medina As Joshua Childe dreams his nightmare, the Nightmare King and the Chaos Hordes descend upon the circus, laying death to everything in their path. Thinking that The Elder are dead, the Nightmare King bathes in his glory. Meanwhile, at the circus, Madam Raven senses a familiar presence in the gathering smoke-filled sky and begins calling out an ancient cantation that saved her people centuries ago. When the mystic mirrors reassemble themselves and the dying members of the circus undergo the transformation into the Four-Who-Are-One. As Joshua Childe falls from the Nightmare King's control, the Nightmare King is destroyed.